Online editing tools

  • 3 mins read

OnlyOffice (editing via the cloud)

OnlyOffice is a tool integrated in the OSU Pythéas cloud. It allows you to edit your documents online via a web browser.

The following is a list of supported file types:

  • Word: doc, docx, odt
  • Excel: xls, xlsx, ods, csv
  • PowerPoint: ppt, pptx, odp
  • text: txt, rtf

Create or import a file

Log in with your cloud account at this address:

Cloud interface

Then click on the ‘+’ to see the different possible interactions in the current folder.

From here, you will have the choice of importing or creating a new file

To create a new file

Referring to the image above, here are the different options:

  • New Text Document allows you to create a simple text file
  • ‘Document’ allows you to create a Word-type file
  • ‘Spreadsheet’ allows you to create an Excel-type file
  • ‘Presentation’ allows you to create a PowerPoint-type file

For example, by clicking on ‘spreadsheet’, an Excel file (xlsx) will be created and OnlyOffice will start. This may take a few seconds depending on your Internet connection.

Importing an editable file

Before importing your file make sure it is compatible by referring to the list at the beginning of this article.

Still referring to the image above, click on ‘Send file’.

Choose your file to import, it will then appear in your cloud tree.

Finally, simply click on the file in question and it will open in OnlyOffice.

The file is already synchronised on the cloud

In this case, if the file is compatible, it will open directly in OnlyOffice.

Share a document

Go and log in with your account on the cloud at this address:

Find your file and click on this icon:

Aperçu du fichier dans le nuage

The following menu appears:

In the ‘Name or email address …’ field, as the name suggests, you just need to enter the name (if internal to OSU Pythéas) or the email address of the person to share the file with them.


Etherpad is a real-time collaborative note-taking tool.

The tool is accessible from this address :

Creating the note

You can create a note directly by clicking on the “New notepad” button, or by entering a name in the field below the button and clicking OK.


Once created, the note can be shared using the web address link which is in this form : ou

The address can be retrieved from the share menu by clicking on this icon :

The menu below will appear.

You can also see the list of people connected to the note by clicking on the button below :


Finally, you can delete the note by clicking on the “Delete” button.