Access to networked shared folders with Linux

  • 2 mins read

Attention: the network mapping of your home has a particular procedure, you can consult it here.

Access from Linux


You need to install the “smbclient” and “cifs-utils” packages to access the shared folders.

You can start by listing the shares:

smbclient -L // -U my_login_osu

srvstkXX should be replaced by the name of the storage server according to your location:

[table id=6 /]

via the graphical interface (gnome, mate, cinnamon etc.)

To access networked shared folders, open your file manager window

Then enter the URL to access the networked shared folder


an authentication window opens, you have to give your OSU identifiers

Your network share is now accessible:

On the command line


mount -t cifs -o username=my_login_osu,password=mon_password_osu,mfsymlinks // /mnt/local_mount

Example for Luminy

mount -t cifs -o username=dupont,password=myPassword,mfsymlinks  // /mnt/glider

Spécificité Linux Mint :

you must specify the CIFS protocol version:

mount -t cifs -o username=dupont,password=myPassword,mfsymlinks,vers=3.0  // /mnt/glider

When mounting your $home, remember also to specify the uid and gid parameters:

mount -t cifs -o username=dupont,password=myPassword,mfsymlinks,vers=3.0,uid=mon_uid_OSU,gid=mon_gid_OSU // /mnt/my_login

To make the mount persistent you must edit the /etc/fstab file and add the following line:

// /mnt/sharefolder cifs auto,username=my_login_osu,passwd=my_passwd_osu,mfsymlinks 0 0